THE BAD BOSS: Causes and Solutions

What should you do when you realize your boss is standing in the way of your professional happiness? While the summer blockbuster “Horrible Bosses” subtly (or not so subtly) suggests that offing their bosses (described as a psycho, a man-eater, and a tool, respectively) might be an appropriate resolution, the truth is that “bad” bosses might simply have never learned how to be effective supervisors. Having weak, ineffective managers in the workplace will have damaging effects on employees and the company as a whole. Indeed, poor and ineffective management leads to low morale, reduced productivity, high turnover, and generally unhappy professional experiences, among other things. So, how can you tell if your boss is an ineffective manager who may simply have missed the boat when it came to learning basic supervisory and management skills? Or, how do you know if you are personally lacking in some essential management skills? And what could be done to fix this problem?

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