Management training and employee retention: 6 ways to improve both

Have you
considered the correlation between management training and employee retention?

There is a saying
that employees don’t leave jobs or companies — they leave bosses. And while no
one wants to work for a tyrant, most people aren’t inherently malicious.

Instead, everyday
situations, like the way a manager reacts under pressure or how tactfully feedback
is provided, have consequences. It can either chip away at morale and destroy
productivity, or the manager can inspire the team to work harder and

While leadership
myths are pervasive
, there are fundamentals to good management that
can be learned through mentorship and training. With these simple strategies,
business leaders can have a direct impact on overall employee job satisfaction
and productivity, which should lead to lower turnover rates.

1. Prioritize mentorship

Mentorship and
coaching is the most effective
management training

Find the managers
who lead productive, satisfied teams with low turnover. Partner them with your
future leaders, who perhaps have less experience but show raw talent and are
eager to assume more responsibility.

Begin having the
mentor progressively introduce new systems, processes and projects. For example,
a supervisor might teach their protégé how to review and approve time cards.

On the first
week, the manager shows how it’s done. The mentee handles the process under
supervision for the second week and completely owns it on the third week.

Over time, the
manager should also impart softer skills like talking someone through a
performance issue.

2. Invest in new manager training

Companies can make the mistake of only training senior managers because these are the leaders with the greatest influence.

While their behavior
can impact a broad range of employees, the lower level managers are likely
working more intimately with the majority of your staff on a daily basis.

If a company
promoted an exceptional individual contributor to a management position without
offering training, they might be setting that person up to fail.

may be vulnerable to making rookie mistakes when it comes to
everyday scenarios, like motivating and coaching the team, providing
constructive feedback or disciplining employees.

By putting as
much effort into training young or inexperienced managers as you do your
C-suite, you help improve performance and retention throughout the company, not
just at the highest levels. You also build
your bench
of potential leaders.

3. Construct comprehensive succession plans

companies create
succession plans
only for their C-suite and maybe a few other key
positions. However, if you drill down through all layers of the organization
and plan for career development throughout the company, you can begin training
younger managers for senior positions.

Your HR
generalists and junior software developers don’t plan to remain in their entry-level
positions forever. Identify potential managers early, and provide necessary learning
opportunities and experiences for their professional growth.

Every person has
strengths and weaknesses. Identify the areas in which they struggle, and offer
educational opportunities to fill those skill gaps. When opportunities arise,
they’ll be prepared to assume new responsibilities.

Plus, career
development planning
at every level of the organization helps
younger, less experienced employees visualize how the company plans to
contribute to their career. Knowing that you have plans for their growth gives
employees a reason to stay.

4. Value every contribution

To improve
retention, train your managers to be kind, constructive and sympathetic when counseling
their staff members. This can be particularly hard when the manager is
frustrated or frazzled or doesn’t personally care for the employee.

However hard, spending the extra effort to be sensitive lets workers know you care, especially when you’re discussing behaviors that need to change. Kindness also helps managers avoid allegations of favoritism — another retention killer.

If one staff member
is clearly treated with more respect and civility than others, it’s a glaring
sign of favoritism, which may drive employee dissatisfaction.

It’s important
for managers to remember that not every employee is equally successful. Even
your high-flyers can have a bad day,
week or month
. Every contribution should be valued.

5. Teach delegation

Managers are held accountable for the success of their teams. And the untrained manager may be inclined to maintain a tight grip on every project — fearing loss of control or falling behind.

Micromanagement remains a common management mistake. However, your managers can’t be effective, and employees can’t be happy, if micromanagement rules the roost.

Encourage your managers to think of delegation as a force multiplier that allows their team to get more done rather than losing control.

perfectionist managers can stifle creativity at best and come across as
dictators to employees at worst. It’s vital your managers make their team
members feel valued and trusted to do their tasks well.

6. Teach communication skills

Communication is
to all employee
relations. If a manager’s communications skills are flawed, then they’ll have a
hard time leading a team, no matter how accomplished they are in other areas.

communication can be complex since it includes:

  • Explaining goals
    and objectives clearly and consistently
  • Offering feedback
    in a manner that improves performance
  • Being open to
    questions and concerns

Don’t let your
management team underestimate the value of telling employees when they’ve done
a good job. After all, who wants to work for someone who never seems to notice
that they’ve worked hard on a project or made an effort to do exactly what was

Find more ideas on how to motivate and inspire your employees. Download our complimentary e-book: How to develop a top-notch workforce that will accelerate your business.

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