Germany: Employer to Pay Compensation When Information About Former Employee Left on Company Website

?Many companies introduce their employees by name on the company website. When a German employer fails to delete such information promptly after an employee leaves the company, it can be expensive for... Read more »

New York Employers Must Pay Manual Workers Weekly

?Attorneys have noticed a growing trend of employees suing their employers over late wages under New York labor law. A New York State appellate court decision clarified that manual workers can sue... Read more »

Walmart Defeats Model’s Wage Payment Claim Concerning Photo Shoot

?Takeaway: California has some of the strictest wage payment laws in the country and recently made it harder for companies to treat workers as independent contractors. Yet even in California, an employer... Read more »

4th Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Race Discrimination and Retaliation Claims

?Takeaway: To survive dismissal, a Title VII claim must raise an inference of discrimination above a speculative level. This can be done, however, with a handful of facts that suggest discriminatory motives... Read more »

Considerations for Employers Providing Travel Benefits for Abortion Procedures

?Employers that are providing travel benefits for abortion procedures have a number of things to consider, including the reputational risks of providing such benefits. Many employers are quietly making these benefits available, despite... Read more »

School District Not Liable for Negligence Based on Teacher’s Sexual Relationship with Student

?Takeaway: A school district was not liable for negligent supervision of a high school teacher who had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student, even though the age of consent in California... Read more »

Georgia Law Will Reclassify More Independent Contractors as Employees

?On May 2, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law HB 389 (Act 809), altering the scope of the employer-employee relationship. This new law is likely to reclassify many independent contractors as... Read more »

The Hazards of Remote Employee Layoffs: Wage and Hour Issues, Severance Agreements, and Unemployment Claims

?Remote work has exploded since the COVID-19 pandemic began with some employers hiring employees to work remotely anywhere in the United States. With the recent economic downturn, layoffs are beginning to occur,... Read more »

California Employers Face Minimum Wage Increases

?With the Consumer Price Index recently showing the largest spike in 30 years, California employers need to brace themselves and prepare for the minimum-wage hikes going into effect in several cities across... Read more »

California Alters Close Contact and Infectious Period Definitions Under COVID rules

?On June 8, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued an Order defining close contact and infectious period for purposes of the CDPH’s isolation and quarantine guidance issued on April 6.... Read more »
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